Keynote Plenary Panel
Expanding the Boundaries of Long-term Atmospheric Monitoring
Session One
Atmospheric Deposition Patterns and Trends
Session Two
Mercury Emissions and Atmospheric Deposition
Session Three
Ecological Effects and Critical Loads I
Session Four
Ecological Effects and Critical Loads II
Session Five
Improving our Understanding of the Reactive Nitrogen Budget
Session Six
Modeling to Understand Emissions and Source Apportionment of Reactive Nitrogen
Session Seven
Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury and Emerging Pollutants
Poster Session
Setting Biodiversity-Based Critical Loads of Nutrient Nitrogen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region using Gradient Forest Analysis
Julian Aherne, Trent UniversityAbstract
Canada-wide Critical Loads of Acidity (Sulphur and Nitrogen) for Terrestrial Ecosystems
Julian Aherne, Trent UniversityAbstract
Development and assessment of a method to measure the organic nitrogen in National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) samples.
Marie Assem, WSLHAbstract
An investigation into the importance of amine compounds to organic nitrogen in aerosol
Evelyn Bangs, Colorado State UniversityAbstract
Modernization of the Quality Control Software used by the Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN)
Kulbir Banwait, Environment and Climate Change CanadaAbstract
Sensitive and Selective Organic Nitrogen Measurements: Applications of Ethanol Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Jennifer Berry, University of ColoradoAbstract
Simulation of Atmospheric Mercury using the Model for Prediction Across Scales
Orren Russell Bullock, Jr, US EPA, National Exposure Research LaboratoryAbstract
Long-term monitoring of precipitation chemistry. Insights into environmental changes from Hubbard Brook and the MAP3S/AIRMoN network.
Tom Butler, Cary Institute and Cornell UniversityAbstract
Spatial patterns of mercury contamination of recreationally-caught fish in the south central United States: Interrelationships between mercury deposition, fish trophic position and fish size
Matthew Chumchal, Texas Christian UniversityAbstract
Development of a national indicator for ecosystem health in Canada using critical load exceedances
Amanda Cole, Environment and Climate Change CanadaAbstract
Determining adequate levels of nitrogen and sulfur deposition to prevent harmful tree species level decreases
Justin Coughlin, US Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract
Climate-driven weathering leads to enhanced cation and sulfate export in high alpine environments
John Crawford, University of Colorado-BoulderAbstract
Reactive Nitrogen and Phosphorus Comparisons Between Co-located NTN and AIRMoN Sites
Camille Danielson, WSLHAbstract
Evaluation of Filtering Methods for Low Volume Precipitation Samples.
Camille Danielson,Abstract
NADP Archive Process and Program for NTN, AMoN, and AIRMoN Samples
Nichole Davis, NADP Associate ChemistAbstract
What controls gas phase acid exchange over forests? Investigating fluxes of HNCO and other organic acids over a pine forest
Ryan Fulgham, Colorado State UniversityAbstract
A Model Epistemic Community: The Asia-Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network
Jack Guen-Murray, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency--Office of International and Tribal AffairsAbstract
Seasonal and Elevational Trends of Wet and Dry Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Along the Front Range of Colorado, USA
Toby Ann Halamka, U.S. Geological Survey, University of Colorado – BoulderAbstract
Nitrogen deposition sources and patterns in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem determined from ion exchange resin collectors, lichens, and isotopes
Abigail Hoffman, University of WyomingAbstract
Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil biogeochemistry in three Chihuahuan desert semi-arid grasslands
Jennifer Holguin, The University of Texas at El PasoAbstract
Agricultural Ammonia Monitoring
Sung-Chang Hong, National Institute of Agricultural SciencesAbstract
Cloud and Fog Deposition:Monitoring in High Elevation and Coastal Ecosystems. The Past, Present and Future
Selma Isil, WoodAbstract
Use of ecosystem-level flux measurements to improve atmosphere-surface exchange parameterization of elemental mercury in chemical transport models
Tanvir Khan, Florida Solar Energy Center, a research institute of the University of Central FloridaAbstract
A Decline in Exceedance of Critical Loads of Nitrogen for Alpine Areas in US National Parks from 2000 - 2016
Jeremy McClung, National Park Service Air Resources DivisionAbstract
Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada, California
Leora Nanus, San Francisco State UniversityAbstract
The 2018/2019 Federal Government Shutdown Impact on NADP Operations, Data Completeness, and Potential Courses of Action during Future Shutdowns
Michael Olson, NADP Program OfficeAbstract
A comparison of Nitrogen Species Measured by Major North American Monitoring Networks to Understand Spatial and Temporal Trends Associated with Emission Reduction Impacts.
Michael Olson, NADP Program OfficeAbstract
Incorporating uncertainty into critical loads-based risk assessments for forest ecosystems across the continental US
Linda Pardo, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract
Quantifying Lichen Community Composition, Nitrogen Content, and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Composition to Assess Nitrogen Critical Loads at North Cascades National Park Service Complex
Meaghan Petix, School of Biological Sciences, Washington State UniversityAbstract
An Integrated N Cycling Approach with Agriculture, Atmosphere, and Hydrology Models
Limei Ran, US EPA ORD NERLAbstract
The Effect of Seasonal and Spatial Variability in Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Biological N Cycling in Soils Along an Elevational Gradient in the Colorado Front Range
Deborah Repert, US. Geological SurveyAbstract
Geospatial analysis of tree species at risk from nitrogen deposition in the northeastern U.S.
Molly Robin-Abbott, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract
Evaluating the impact of species diversity on resilience of forest growth and survival to acidic deposition
Robert Daniel Sabo, Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract
Network to Network Synergies: The National Atmospheric Deposition Program and National Ecological Observatory Network
Michael SanClements, NEONAbstract
Ammonia and amine contributions to the atmosphere from animal production
Philip Silva,Abstract
Establishment of a reactive nitrogen monitoring network in Mexico City.
Rodolfo Sosa Echeverría, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM)Abstract
Comparison of Wet Deposition Collectors at a High-Elevation Site, Central Rocky Mountains
Banning Starr, USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fraser Experimental ForestAbstract
Experimentally derived nitrogen critical loads for northern Great Plains vegetation
Amy Symstad, U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research CenterAbstract
The impacts of acid rain on the water quality
Chunling Tang, EPAAbstract
It is Raining Tires.
Gregory Wetherbee, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Mission Area, Observing Systems Division, Hydrologic Networks BranchAbstract
Estimating Sources, Sinks, and Fluxes of Reactive Nitrogen and Sulfur within a Mixed Forest Canopy Using Eulerian and Lagrangian Inverse Models
Zhiyong Wu, US EPAAbstract