Setting Biodiversity-Based Critical Loads of Nutrient Nitrogen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region using Gradient Forest Analysis
Julian Aherne1 and Nicole Vandinther2
It is well established that chronic nitrogen (N) deposition can negatively impact plant-species biodiversity; as such, there is concern that anthropogenic N emissions from the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) are impacting surrounding habitats. The objectives of this study were to determine the relative importance of N as a driver of plant species community composition and to identify biodiversity-based thresholds for atmospheric deposition. This assessment was performed on 46 Jack pine dominant forest sites surrounding the AOSR spanning and 35 environmental gradient variables. Soil chemical variables accounted for > 26% of the total explainable variation in the dataset, followed by climate (19%) and deposition variables (5%); the joint-effects between variables also explained a significant portion of the total variation (p < 0.001; redundancy analysis). Total deposited nitrogen (TDN) and sulphur were identified as important variables in gradient forest analysis. A single, definitive threshold across TDN was identified at approximately 5.6 kg N ha–1yr–1 (while a TDS threshold was found at 14.4 kg S ha–1yr–1). The TDN threshold range was associated primarily with changepoints for several vascular species (Pyrola asarifolia, Pyrola chlorantha, Cornus canadensis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), in addition to some bryophyte and lichen species (Pleurozium schreberi, Vulpicida pinastri and Dicranum polysetum), several of which are known indicators for N deposition. These results suggest that across N-sensitive Jack pine forests surrounding the AOSR, the biodiversity-based empirical critical load of nutrient N is 5.6 kg N ha–1yr–1.
1Trent University, 2Trent University,