Agricultural Ammonia Monitoring
Sung-Chang Hong1, Sae-Nun Song2, Kyeong-Sik Kim3, Sun-Young Yu4 and Gyu-Hyeon Lee5
Recently, due to the frequent occurrence of high concentration of fine dust, concerns about the impact of particulate matter on the health of the citizens have increased. Consequently, interest in air quality management policy has also risen. In Korea, it is now an everyday routine to check the concentration of particulate matter before going out, just like checking weather information before leaving home. Citizens are deeply aware that high concentrations of fine particulate matter threaten the health of children and the elderly. Particulate matter is emitted from various air pollutant emission sources and, particularly, fine particulate matter is known to be generated secondarily in the atmosphere. Ammonia (NH3) generated from the agricultural sector is known as a precursor to fine particulate matter. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) which is secondarily generated is more dangerous to human bodies than particulate matter (PM10) and it is generated in the air by chemical reaction with various substances such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx). Agriculture is a complex system with a wide field and includes a biological system. Reducing ammonia rather than nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides is effective in reducing the occurrence of fine particulate matter, and 50% reduction of ammonia emissions in northern Europe could reduce fine particulate matter in winter by up to 25%. There are various research results which say that the most effective method to reduce fine particulate matter is to control ammonia. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the amount of ammonia generated in the agricultural sector. Accordingly, We are planning to establish a long-term monitoring system for ammonia and air pollutants in agricultural areas. The ammonia and air pollutant observatory site is planning to select and install monitoring systems focusing on large-scale agricultural areas in the paddy area, upland crop area, cultivation under structure area, and fruit tree growing area. The samples are to be collected from atmospheric dry samples, wet samples, PM10, and PM2.5. The major analytical items are ammonium ion (dry and wet) and gaseous ammonia (passive atmospheric sampling). From this year on, we are conducting research projects which are developing of the emission inventory of ammonia for paddy rice, upland crops and plastic house cultivation crops. Crop land sector needs to enhance, to newly develop emission factors by crop, cultivation method, nutrient input material (urea fertilizer, cow manure compost, pig manure compost and poultry manure compost), application time, and cultivation environments in Korea. The status and characteristics of ammonia emission by major crop cultivation areas in the agricultural sector will be analyzed and the characteristics of ammonia and air pollutant emissions in the agricultural area with the national atmospheric ammonia concentration, urban air pollution observation network, and emission characteristics of atmospheric pollutants will be compared. This is expected to secure these agricultural ammonia monitoring systems in the agricultural sector which provide long-term monitoring data on the ammonia and air pollutant concentration and emission characteristics of agricultural areas. Such systems are anticipated to provide scientific data for establishing a management policy for the agricultural sector, national particulate matter, and air quality.
1National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 2National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 3National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 4National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 5National Institute of Agricultural Sciences,