Keynote Plenary Panel
Expanding the Boundaries of Long-term Atmospheric Monitoring
Session One
Atmospheric Deposition Patterns and Trends
Session Two
Mercury Emissions and Atmospheric Deposition
Session Three
Ecological Effects and Critical Loads I
Session Four
Ecological Effects and Critical Loads II
Session Five
Improving our Understanding of the Reactive Nitrogen Budget
Session Six
Modeling to Understand Emissions and Source Apportionment of Reactive Nitrogen
Session Seven
Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury and Emerging Pollutants
Session 1: Atmospheric Deposition Patterns and Trends
Moderator: Doug BurnsNational Trends in acid deposition 1985-2017
Michael McHale, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract
The patterns of emissions and depositions of selected air pollutants in China during 2005-2018
Xi Mengxiao, Nanjing UniversityAbstract
Comparison of Wet Atmospheric Deposition Measured in Mexico City, Mexico and Denver, Colorado, USA
Rodolfo Sosa EcheverrÃa, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM)Abstract
Trends in Wet Deposition of Organic Nitrogen in the Rocky Mountains
Katherine Benedict, Colorado State UniversityAbstract
Dry Deposition Delivers Nutrients and Heavy Metals to the Colorado Front Range
Ruth C. Heindel, INSTAAR, University of Colorado at BoulderAbstract
Atmospheric dry deposition of particulate elements over the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada and implications on biogeochemical cycling
Irene Cheng, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto, OntarioAbstract