Keynote Plenary Panel
Expanding the Boundaries of Long-term Atmospheric Monitoring
Session One
Atmospheric Deposition Patterns and Trends
Session Two
Mercury Emissions and Atmospheric Deposition
Session Three
Ecological Effects and Critical Loads I
Session Four
Ecological Effects and Critical Loads II
Session Five
Improving our Understanding of the Reactive Nitrogen Budget
Session Six
Modeling to Understand Emissions and Source Apportionment of Reactive Nitrogen
Session Seven
Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury and Emerging Pollutants
Session 6: Modeling to Understand Emissions and Source Apportionment of Reactive Nitrogen
Moderator: Greg BeachleyCharacterization of the Global Sources of Atmospheric Ammonia from Agricultural Soils and its Deposition
Viney Aneja, North Carolina State UniversityAbstract
Inverse modeling constraints on sources of NH3 using CrIS remote sensing measurements
Hansen Cao, University of Colorado BoulderAbstract
Source apportionment of sulfur and nitrogen deposition to Rocky Mountain National Park using CMAQ
Donna Schwede, US EPAAbstract
Observation-based, spatial-resolved surface concentrations and their implications for emission and deposition estimation
Kang Sun, University at BuffaloAbstract