Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Are Ecosystems Responding to Emission Reductions?
Session Two
The Development and Application of Critical Loads of
Sulfur and Nitrogen (Part I)
Session Three
A Focus on Monitoring and Research in the Adirondacks
Session Four
The Development and Application of Critical Loads of
Sulfur and Nitrogen (Part II)
Session Five
Atmospheric Mercury Measurement and Assessment in the Northeast
Session Six
Agricultural Emissions and Ecosystem Effects
Session Seven
Evaluating Trends for Air Concentration, Deposition, Aquatic
and Terrestrial Effects
Liquid Water Content and Chemical Composition in Clouds at Whiteface Mountain, NY
Nenad Aleksic, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and James Dukett, Adirondack Lakes Survey CorporationAbstract
Impacts of Chronic Low Level Nitrogen Deposition along a Roadside Deposition Gradient
Neil D. Bettez, Cary institute of Ecosystem Studies; Robert W. Howarth and Roxanne Marino, Cornell University; and Eric A. Davidson, Woods Hole Research CenterAbstract
Regional Impacts of Reduced NOx Emissions on Ozone Concentrations in the Eastern USA: Positive Results from the NOx Budget Trading Program (NBP)
Tom Butler, Cornell University and Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Francois Vermeylen and Gene Likens, Cornell University; Melissa Rury and Brian Lee, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract Presentation
Responses of Epiphytic Lichens to Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen - Development of the Critical Level Approach for the Western United States
Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Sarah Jovan, Haiganoush Preisler, and Ricardo Cisneros, U.S. Forest ServiceAbstract
Atmospheric Concentrations and Sources of Mercury to Western Maryland
Mark S. Castro, University of Maryland; John Sherwell, Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Mark Cohen, NOAA Air Resources LaboratoryAbstract
Mercury Trends in Fish from Streams and Lakes in the United States, 1969 - 2005
Ann Chalmers, Denise Argue, Mark Brigham, Dave Lorenz and Christopher Schmitt, U.S. Geological Survey; and David Gay, Illinois State Water SurveyAbstract Presentation
Responses of a Watershed Manipulated By Calcium Silicate at a Northern Hardwood Forest Ecosystem: Mass Balance and Landscape Position
Youngil Cho, Charles T. Driscoll and Chris E. Johnson, Syracuse UniversityAbstract
Wet Mercury Deposition at Two Urban Sites in New York
Kevin Civerolo, Dirk Felton, Sergio Fleishaker and Thomas Everts, New York State Department of Environmental ConservationAbstract Presentation
Exploring the Spatial Association between Environmental Methylmercury and Atmospheric Deposition at Varying Geographic Scales
Steven Porter and Gary Conley, Ohio UniversityAbstract Presentation
2009 Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury Species in Atlantic Canada at Kejimkujik National Park (NS01)
John Dalziel, Robert Tordon and Stephen Beauchamp, Environment CanadaAbstract
Determination of Total Dissolved Nitrogen (TDN) in Wet Deposition Samples Preserved During Collection and Post Collection
Tracy Dombek and Christopher Lehmann, Illinois State Water Survey; and John Walker, U.S. EPAAbstract
Productivity of the Balsam Fir Boreal Forest in 2100: Experimental Interactions of Climate Change and Nitrogen Deposition
Loïc D'Orangeville and Benoit Côté, McGill University and Daniel Houle, ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du QuebécAbstract Presentation
More than Monitoring: Extending NADP and CASTNET across Landscapes
Amanda M. Elliott and Kathleen C. Weathers, Cary Institute of Ecosystem StudiesAbstract
Utility of Isotopic Techniques for Partitioning Nox Sources Contributing to Landscape Nitrogen Deposition
E.M. Elliott, University of Pittsburgh and USGS, et.alAbstract
Assessing the Use of NH3 Isotopic Composition Collected by Passive Samplers to Indicate Regional NH3 Emission Sources
J. David Felix and Emily M. Elliott, University of PittsburghAbstract
Baseline Measurements of Ambient Concentrations of Elemental, Reactive Gaseous and Particle-Bound Mercury at Two Urban Locations in New York
Dirk Felton, Matthew Hirsch and Kevin Civerolo, New York State Department of Environmental ConservationAbstract Presentation
Mercury in Throughfall and Litterfall Inputs and Stream Export in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2007 - 2009
Suzanne Fisher and Mark Wolfe, Tennessee Valley AuthorityAbstract Presentation
RadielloTM Type Passive Samplers versus ALPHA Type Passive Samplers
Nina Gartman, Christopher Lehmann, David Gay and Clyde Sweet, Illinois State Water SurveyAbstract
Linked Micromap Plots for Evaluating Trends in Multi-Pollutant Deposition
Robert R. Gillies, Jürgen Symanzik, Esmaiel Malek and Alan Moller, Utah State UniversityAbstract Presentation
Quantitative Assessment of Bromide Ion Measurements in NTN Samples by Ion Chromatography
Lee Green and Tracy Dombek, Illinois State Water SurveyAbstract
Speciated Mercury Measurements in Rochester New York: Concentrations and Sources
Jiaoyan Huang, Hyun-Deok Choi, Philip K. Hopke and Thomas M. Holsen, Clarkson UniversityAbstract Presentation
Monitoring Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in a Farrowing Room at a Sow Farm in Eastern North Carolina
Jihoon Kang and Wayne P. Robarge, North Carolina State University; Albert Heber, Lilong Chai and Jiqin Ni, Purdue University; Erin Cortus, South Dakota University and Kaiying Wang, Zhejiang UniversityAbstract
National Air Emissions Monitoring Study (NAEMS) Sow Site NC4B:Observations of Farm Operation and Management
Jihoon Kang and Wayne P. Robarge, North Carolina State University; Albert Heber, Lilong Chai and Jiqin Ni, Purdue University; Erin Cortus, South Dakota University and Kaiying Wang, Zhejiang UniversityAbstract
The E-gage Transition
Matt Layden, Jeff Pribble and Roger Claybrooke, Illinois State Water SurveyAbstract
Do the Competitions among Calcium, Aluminum and Hydrogen Ion for Organic Binding Sites Determine Soil pH and Aluminum Solubility in Adirondack Forest Soils?
Wei Li and Chris E. Johnson, Syracuse University; and April M. Melvin, Cornell UniversityAbstract Presentation
Atmospheric Mercury Measurements in the Gulf of Mexico and Mid-Atlantic: Trends in Concentrations and Estimated Deposition
Winston Luke, Mark Cohen, and Paul Kelley, NOAA; Steve Brooks, Canaan Valley Institute; and Jake Walker, Grand Bay National Estuarine ResearchAbstract Presentation
Estimating the Importance of Near-Source Deposition of Nitrogen from Vehicle Emissions along Roadside Gradients
Roxanne Marino, Robert W. Howarth, Thomas J. Butler, Marina Molodovskaya and Michael Horowitz, Cornell University; Neil D. Bettez, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and Eric A. Davidson, Woods Hole Research CenterAbstract
Isotopic Investigation of Reactive Nitrogen Deposition along a Highway Road Gradient
Katherine Middlecamp and Emily M. Elliott, University of PittsburghAbstract Presentation
Analysis of Critical Loads and Exceedance with Respect to Projected 2018 Sulfur and Nitrogen Deposition in the Northeastern US
Eric K. Miller, Ecoystems Research Group, Ltd; Paul Miller and John Graham, NESCAUMAbstract
Characterization of Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition in and near Selected Sensitive Ecosystems for the NOx/SOx Secondary NAAQS Review
Anne Rea, Norm Possiel and Adam Reff U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract
National Air Emissions Monitoring Study (NAEMS) Finisher Hog Site NC3B: Observations of Farm Operation and Management
Wayne P. Robarge and Jihoon Kang, North Carolina State University, et alAbstract
Kicking the Bucket in Illinois
Jane Rothert, Illinois State Water SurveyAbstract Presentation
Sub-grid Dry Deposition Estimates from the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ)
Donna Schwede, Robin Dennis and Jonathan Pleim, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract Presentation
MERGANSER - A Geospatial Model to Predict Fish Mercury in New England Lakes
James Shanley, U.S. Geological Survey, et alAbstract
The NADP North American Atmospheric Mercury Initiative
Tim Sharac and David Schmeltz, USEPA; David Gay, ISWS, Mark Olson, USGS; and Eric Prestbo, TekranAbstract Presentation
Developing Critical Loads for Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen to High Alpine Lakes in the Pacific Northwest: Preliminary Results
Richard W. Sheibley, James R. Foreman, Patrick W. Moran and Anthony J. Paulson, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract Presentation
Examination of Different Approaches to Estimating Ammonia Emissions from Poultry Operations
John Sherwell, Maryland Power Plant Research Program (PPRP); Anand Yegnan, Surya Ramaswamy and Mark Garrison, ERMAbstract
Status of Mercury Monitoring in Maryland
John Sherwell, Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesAbstract Presentation
Linkage between an Advanced Air Quality Model and a Mechanistic Watershed Model
Krish Vijayaraghavan and Shu-Yun Chen; Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc, Joel Herr, Systech Water Resources, Inc.; and Eladio M. Knipping and Robert Goldstein, EPRIAbstract
Relevance of the Plume-in-Grid Treatment of Point Sources to the Modeling of Atmospheric Mercury
Krish Vijayaraghavan, Prakash Karamchandani, and Rochelle Balmori, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.; and Leonard Levin, EPRIAbstract
Impacts of Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition on the Growth of Red Spruce and Sugar Maple in the United States
Jennifer N. Phelan, Paramita Sinha, Van Houtven George, and Deerhake Marion, Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International; Randall G. Waite, Anne W. Rea and Ginger M. Tennant, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract
Submicron Particle Number Fluxes and Size Distributions above a Loblolly Pine Forest in the Southeast U.S.
John T. Walker, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract
NADP Measurement Confidence Intervals for Critical Load Contingency Planning
Gregory A. Wetherbee, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract Presentation
Developing the Critical Loads for the Acidification of Some Lake- Watersheds in the Adirondack Region of New York
Qingtao Zhou, Charles T Driscoll, and Timothy J. Sullivan, Syracuse University and Bernard J.Cosby, University of VirginiaAbstract Presentation