Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Are Ecosystems Responding to Emission Reductions?
Session Two
The Development and Application of Critical Loads of
Sulfur and Nitrogen (Part I)
Session Three
A Focus on Monitoring and Research in the Adirondacks
Session Four
The Development and Application of Critical Loads of
Sulfur and Nitrogen (Part II)
Session Five
Atmospheric Mercury Measurement and Assessment in the Northeast
Session Six
Agricultural Emissions and Ecosystem Effects
Session Seven
Evaluating Trends for Air Concentration, Deposition, Aquatic
and Terrestrial Effects
Session Three: A Focus on Monitoring and Research in the Adirondacks
Session Chair: Greg Lampman, New YorK State Energy Research and Development AuthorityAssessing the Impact of Long-term Mercury Contamination on Wildlife Health in New York, Using the Common Loon as a Sentinel Species
Nina Schoch, BioDiversity Research InstituteAbstract
Zooplankton Recovery in Chemically Recovering, Acidified Adirondack Lakes
William Shaw, Sullivan County Community College (Retired)Abstract
Acid-deposition-induced Calcium Depletion from Adirondack Forests and the Response of Biotic Communities to Calcium Amendment
Timothy McCay, Colgate UniversityAbstract
Laboratory and Field Data Indicate that Acidic Deposition-induced Calcium Depletion Disrupts the Nutrition and Physiology of Trees, Predisposing Them to Decline
Paul Schaberg, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract
Measuring Soil Change to Assess Recovery Potential
Greg Lawrence, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract