Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Are Ecosystems Responding to Emission Reductions?
Session Two
The Development and Application of Critical Loads of
Sulfur and Nitrogen (Part I)
Session Three
A Focus on Monitoring and Research in the Adirondacks
Session Four
The Development and Application of Critical Loads of
Sulfur and Nitrogen (Part II)
Session Five
Atmospheric Mercury Measurement and Assessment in the Northeast
Session Six
Agricultural Emissions and Ecosystem Effects
Session Seven
Evaluating Trends for Air Concentration, Deposition, Aquatic
and Terrestrial Effects
Session One: Are Ecosystems Responding to Emission Reductions?
Session Chair: Doug Burns, U.S. Geological SurveyChanges in Fish Communities in Adirondack Lakes
Karen Roy, New York State Department of Environmental ConservationAbstract Presentation
Trends in Sulfate Deposition and Stream Water Base Cation Concentrations in the Catskill Mountains of New York
Michael R. McHale, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract Presentation
Discrepancies in Watershed S Budgets in Southeast Canada and Northeast U.S: A Comparison of Mass- Balance Approach
Myron Mitchell, SUNY College of Environmental Science and ForestryAbstract
Examining Sulfate Behavior along a North-South Gradient of Unglaciated Eastern U.S. Catchments
Karen Rice, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract Presentation