Wet Mercury Deposition at Two Urban Sites in New York
Kevin Civerolo1, Dirk Felton, Sergio Fleishaker and Thomas Everts
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Air Resources
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233
Since January 2008 the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has been collecting wet mercury deposition at two urban MDN sites, Rochester and New York City. The purpose of these measurements is to monitor baseline concentations and deposition of mercury prior to planned state and national emission reduction programs. In this study we examine the variation of wet mercury deposition on a seasonal basis, as well as compare deposition at these urban locations to three more rural MDN sites in New York – Huntington Wildlife, Biscuit Brook, and West Point. Since all of these sites are collocated with acid deposition monitors, we also investigate any correlation and co-variation with wet SO4 deposition at these sites.
1 Phone: 518-402-8383; Fax: 518-402-9035; Email: