Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Monitoring and Research for Agriculture in the Next Decade
Session Two
Ammonia Measurements
Session Three
NADP - Standing Sentinel over America's Crops?
Session Four
Climate Change Impacts on Air Quality, Deposition and Impacts
Session Five
Ecosystem Effects of Atmospheric Deposition - Sulfur and Nitrogen
Session Six
Mercury Measurement, Deposition and Effects
Session Seven
Emerging Novel Monitoring Methods
Session One: Total Nitrogen Deposition
Session Chair: Greg Wetherbee, U.S. Geological Survey
Keynote: Research and Monitoring Needs from an Agricultural Perspective
Raymond E. Knighton, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension ServiceAbstract Presentation
Concentration, Size Distributions, and Transport of Agricultural Aerosols
Naruki Hiranuma, Texas A & M UniversityAbstract Presentation
Correspondence between Small- and Large-Scale Determinations of Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Barns
Mark Powell, USDA-ARS U.S. Dairy Forage ResearchAbstract Presentation
Measuring Exchange of Ammonia over Cropping Systems with the Modified Bowen Ratio Technique
Paul Doskey, Center for Environmental Science, University of ChicagoAbstract Presentation
Update on Methodologies and Findings of the National Air Emissions Measurement Study Open Source Component
Richard Grant, Purdue UniversityAbstract Presentation
Using a Geographic Information System to Determine Wet Deposition Trends of Ammonium in the Central U.S.
Gregory Wetherbee, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract Presentation