Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Monitoring and Research for Agriculture in the Next Decade
Session Two
Ammonia Measurements
Session Three
NADP - Standing Sentinel over America's Crops?
Session Four
Climate Change Impacts on Air Quality, Deposition and Ecosystems
Session Five
Ecosystem Effects of Atmospheric Deposition - Sulfur and Nitrogen
Session Six
Mercury Measurement, Deposition and Effects
Session Seven
Emerging Novel Monitoring Methods
Session Four: Climate Change Impacts on Air Quality, Deposition and Impacts
Session Chair: Rick Haeuber, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Impacts of Global Climate and Emission Changes on U.S. Air Quality
Xin-Zhong Liang, University of IllinoisAbstract
Future Climate Scenarios, Atmospheric Deposition and Precipitation Uncertainty
Alice Gilliland, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract Presentation
The Effects of Climate Change on Wet Deposition of Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Hydrogen across New York State during 1985 - 2007
Douglas Burns, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract Presentation
Critical Acid Load Limits in a Changing Climate: Implications and Solutions
Steve McNulty, U.S Forest ServiceAbstract
The Sensitivity of Heterogeneous Atmospheric Mercury Processes to Climate Change
Andy Rutter, University of WisconsinAbstract
Chronic Enhancement of Mercury Methylation in a Boreal Wetland from Elevated Sulfate Deposition and Climate Change
Edward Swain, Minnesota Pollution Control AgencyAbstract