Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Monitoring and Research for Agriculture in the Next Decade
Session Two
Ammonia Measurements
Session Three
NADP - Standing Sentinel over America's Crops?
Session Four
Climate Change Impacts on Air Quality, Deposition and Impacts
Session Five
Ecosystem Effects of Atmospheric Deposition - Sulfur and Nitrogen
Session Six
Mercury Measurement, Deposition and Effects
Session Seven
Emerging Novel Monitoring Methods
Session Two: Ammonia Measurements
Session Chair: John Walker, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Estimates of In-Canopy Ammonia Sources and Sinks Using Measured Profiles and Turbulence Closure Models
Jesse Bash, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract Presentation
Monitoring Ambient Atmospheric Chemistry along a Gradient of Ammonia Emission Density in Eastern North Carolina
John Walker, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Wayne Robarge, North Carolina State UniversityAbstract Presentation
Ammonia and Ammonium Measurements from the Southeastern U. S.
Rick Saylor, Atmospheric Research and Analysis, Inc.Abstract Presentation
Passive Ammonia Monitoring in the Central U.S.
Gary Lear, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract Presentation
Trent Regional Ammonia Monitoring using Passive Samplers (TRAMPS)
Antoni Zbieranowski, Trent UniversityAbstract Presentation
Evaluation of Ammonia Measurements from CASTNet, IMPROVE, Passive and a New Sampling System
Derek Day, Colorado State UniversityAbstract