Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Linking Atmosphere to Biosphere
Session Two
Those Other Compounds
Session Three
Critical Loading of Ecosystems
Session Four
How Much Deposition?
Session Five
Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Deposition
Session Six
Global Issues and Atmospheric Deposition
Recent Updates in the CAL
Kim Attig, Lee Green, Tracy Dombek, and Nina Gartman, Illinois State Water SurveyAbstract Poster
In a Changing Climate, How do Projected Changes in Precipitation Affect Wet Deposition - A GIS Approach
Drew Bingham, National Park ServiceAbstract
NADP CLAD' s FOCUS Project - Phase I: Submission of U.S. National-Scale Critical Loads to the UNECE-CCE
Tamara Blett, National Park Service; Richard Haeuber, Jason Lynch, Environmental Protection Agency; Linda Pardo, Richard Pouyat, USDA Forest Service, and Tom Moore, Western Governors' AssociationAbstract
Mercury Wet Deposition at KS03
Rick Campbell and Scott Weir, Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and NebraskaAbstract
Ambient Air Concentrations and Wet Deposition of Mercury at Two Urban Locations in New York: Temporal Patterns, Comparison with Rural Sites, and Episodes
Kevin Civerolo and Dirk Felton, New York State DECAbstract
Detection Limits in the Central Analytical Laboratory' s NADP Networks
Tracy Dombek, Mark Rhodes, NADPAbstract
Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN) Blank Study
N. Gartman, L. Green, B. Riney, S. Henson, T. Dombek, C.Lehmann, M. Rhodes, National Atmospheric Deposition Program, J. Walker, U.S. EPA National Risk Management Research LaboratoryAbstract Poster
Measurement of Total Phosphorous in AIRMoN Samples by the NADP/CAL
Lee Green and Christopher Lehmann, National Atmospheric Deposition ProgramAbstract Poster
Equipment Modernization
Matt Layden and Jeff Pribble, National Atmospheric Deposition ProgramAbstract Poster
An Assessment of Long-Term Monitoring Programs in New York State
Carrie R. Levine and Ruth D. Yanai, SUNY College of Environmental Science and ForestryAbstract
NEON' s Collection and Analysis of the Atmospheric Wet Deposition
Hongyan Luo and Henry Loescher, NEON/ Institute of Artic and Alpine Research, University of ColoradoAbstract
You' ve Determined the Critical Load: Now What? Tracking Progress at Rocky Mountain National Park using NADP Data
Kristi Morris, Tamara Blett, National Park Service; Alisa Mast, Dave Clow, Greg Wetherbee, Jill Baron, U.S. Geological Survey; Curt Taipale, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; David Gay, NADP Program Office; Eric Richer, Colorado State UniversityAbstract
Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet)
Mark Olson, David Gay, NADP: Tim Sharac, David Schmeltz, US EPA: and Eric Prestbo, Tekran Research and DevelopmentAbstract
Development of a Base Cation Weathering (BCw) Datalayer to Support the Calculation of Critical Loads of Nitrogen (N) and Sulfur (S) Deposition in the United States: Pennsylvania as the Trial State
Jennifer Phelan, RTI International; Harald Sverdrup, Lund University; Salim Belyazid, Belyazid Consulting and Communication; Randall White, U.S. EPAAbstract
Federal Interagency Guidance for Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition Analyses
Ellen M. Porter, National Park Service Air Resources Division; Cindy M. Huber, Rick Graw, USDA Forest Service; Jill Webster, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceAbstract
An Analysis of Co-located Atmospheric Mercury Speciation Data from AMNet
Eric M. Prestbo, Tekran Research & Development; David Gay, Mark Olson, NADP; Winston Luke, Paul Kelly, NOAA Air Resources Laboratory; Dirk Felton, New York Department of Environmental Conservation; Thomas Holsen, Jiaoyan Huang, Clarkson University; Hyun-Deok Choi, National Institute of AerospaceAbstract
Passive Ammonia Monitoring in the United States: Comparing Three Different Sampling Devices
Melissa Puchalski, Mark Sather, John Walker, Matthew Johnson, U.S. EPA; Christopher Lehmann, David Gay, NADP Program Office; Wayne Robarge, North Carolina State UniversityAbstract
National Trends Network, Sample Evaporation
Mark Rhodes, Tracy Dombeck, Lydia Douglas, Caroline Koch, NADPAbstract
Combining Passive Samplers and a Bi-Directional Exchange Model to Calculate Ammonia (NH3) Dry Deposition
Wayne P. Robarge, Robert E. Austin, NC State University; John T. Walker, U.S. EPAAbstract
Nutrient Loading Via Atmospheric Deposition to Marine Corp Base Camp Lejeune (MCBCL), Jacksonville, NC
Wayne P. Robarge, NC State University; Karsten Baumann, Atmospheric Research and Analysis, Inc.; Patricia Cunningham, RTI International; Susan Cohen, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NCAbstract
Tracking the Maryland Healthy Air Act
John Sherwell, Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesAbstract
Evaluation of Methods for Measuring Particulate Carbon in Precipitation
Alexander Torres, Tami Bond, Christopher Lehmann, University of IllinoisAbstract Poster
Ammonia Air-Surface Exchange in an Unfertilized Hay Field in the Southeastern U.S.
John T. Walker, Matthew Jones, Jesse O. Bash, U.S. EPA; Matthew Jones, Eiko Nemitz, Center for Ecology and Hydrology; Wayne Robarge, North Carolina State UniversityAbstract
Variation in Atmospheric Deposition Along the Appalachian Trail
K.C. Weathers and A.M. Lindsey, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; H.A. Ewing and C.E. Bourne, Bates CollegeAbstract