Keynote Address
Dr. LaToya Miles
Session One
Emissions and Deposition in a Changing Chemical Climate
Session Two
Advances in Atmospheric Deposition Monitoring
Session Three
Atmospheric Deposition Effects in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem
Session Four
Global Atmospheric Mercury Assessment
Session Five
Advances in Mercury Monitoring and Research
Session Six
Advances in Measurement Model Fusion
Session Seven
Critical Loads of Atmospheric Deposition
Session Seven
Atmospheric Deposition and a Changing Society
Session 1: Emissions and Deposition in a Changing Chemical Climate
Moderator: Andrew JohnsonSession Video
The Role of Atmospheric Deposition in Delivering Nitrogen to the Chesapeake Bay: A Century of Change
Douglas Burns, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract
Northeastern mountain ponds as sentinels of change: current and emerging research and monitoring in the context of shifting atmospheric deposition and climate interactions
Sarah J. Nelson, Appalachian Mountain ClubAbstract
Temporal Variation of Precipitation pH in the EANET Region 2000-2017
Hiroshi Hara, Tokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyAbstract
Characteristics and change of ammonia at the rural, urban, and remote sites in China
Zhaoyang Meng, Chinese Academy of Meteorological SciencesAbstract
Power Sector Emissions and Generation Trends in the First Half of 2020
Kimberly Liu, US Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract