Session One
Session Two
Western U.S. Issues
Session Three
Critical Loads
Session Four
Atmospheric Modeling
Session Five
Mercury and Trace Metals
Session Six
Nitrogen Emissions and Deposition
Session Seven
Networks, Measurements, and New Techniques for Atmospheric Monitoring
Session Eight
Nitrogen Flux Workshop Kickoff
Session Four: Atmospheric Modeling
Simulating Total Nitrogen Deposition at Western National Parks with the WestJumpAQMS Modeling Platform *
Mike Barna, National Park ServiceAbstract
Evaluation of CMAQ air-surface exchange and WRF energy balance algorithms against flux measurements *
Jesse Bash, U.S. EPAAbstract
The influence on CMAQ modeled wet and dry deposition of advances in the CMAQ systems for meteorology and emissions *
Robin Dennis, U.S. EPAAbstract
Comparison of organic nitrogen from CMAQ with measured values using a revised CB05 chemical mechanism *
Donna Schwede, U.S. EPAAbstract
Evaluation of bi-directional ammonia exchange in GEOS-chem using in-situ observations
Liye (Juliet) Zhu, University of Colorado at BoulderAbstract Presentation