Session One
Session Two
Western U.S. Issues
Session Three
Critical Loads
Session Four
Atmospheric Modeling
Session Five
Mercury and Trace Metals
Session Six
Nitrogen Emissions and Deposition
Session Seven
Networks, Measurements, and New Techniques for Atmospheric Monitoring
Session Eight
Nitrogen Flux Workshop Kickoff
Poster Session
Investigation of Potential In-Canopy Vegetative Uptake of Ozone and other Gases at Maine’s Howland Research Forest
Greg Beachley, Clean Air Markets Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Christopher Rogers, AMEC Inc., Jacksonville, FL, and Kevin Mishoe, AMEC Inc., Newberry, FLAbstract
Nitrogen Deposition: Trends and Impacts in the Greater Yellowstone Area
Tamara Blett, National Park Service and Terry Svalberg, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract
Liming to Accelerate the Recovery of Acidified Ecosystems: A Case Study in the Adirondack Mountains of New York
Douglas A. Burns, Karen Riva Murray, Gregory B. Lawrence, U.S. Geological Survey, Charles T. Driscoll, Syracuse University, Cliff E. Kraft and Daniel C. Josephson, Cornell UniversityAbstract Poster
Atmospheric ammonia measurements at low concentration sites in the northeastern USA: implications for nitrogen deposition and comparison with CMAQ estimates
Tom Butler, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and Cornell University, Roxanne Marino, Robert Howarth, Jed Sparks, and Kim Sparks, Cornell University and Donna Schwede, U.S. EPAAbstract Poster
Spatial distribution of ecologically relevant atmospheric compounds in native Sonoran Desert protected areas within and surrounding Phoenix, Arizona
Elizabeth M. Cook and Sharon J. Hall, Arizona State UniversityAbstract
An automated system to monitor total mercury in MDN precipitation collectors
Joel Creswell, Erik Haugaard, Mark Johnson, Jeremy Divis, Colin Davies, Brooks Rand Instruments, & Steve Gunther, Brooks Rand Instruments; now NCEE LabsAbstract
Laboratory Quality Assurance Method and Characterization of Ogawa Passive Samplers for SO2 and NO2 Measurements
Tracy L. Dombek, Prakash Doraiswamy, Eva Hardison, Larry Michael, Jeff Nichol, and Eric Poitras, RTI InternationalAbstract
A bi-directionnal exchange model of ammonia (SurfAtm-NH3) used as a tool in order to investigate the main compartments at the field scale for ammonia source and sink after slurry application over a growing wheat
Personne Erwan, Tardy Florence., Decuq Céline, Génermont Sophie, Durand Brigitte, Fanucci Olivier, Gueudet Jean-Christophe, Lauransot Michel, Mascher Nicolas, Masson Sylvie, and Loubet Benjamin. INRA-AgroParisTechAbstract
Soil flux of methane and other hydrocarbons in an oil and gas field
Jordan Evans, Utah State UniversityAbstract
10 Years of Trend Data for the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve SINERR (GA 33) Latitude 31.3961 Longitude -81.2811 & the National Weather Service Data collected by the University of Georgia Marine Institute Station 097808 Latitude 31.3972 Longitude -81.2811
Aimee Gaddis, Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Georgia Department of Nature Resources Wildlife Management ProgramAbstract
NTN Sample Dilution
Nina Gartman, Mark Rhodes, Christopher Lehmann, Illinois State Water Survey/Prairie Research Institute, Tracy Dombek, Research Triangle InstituteAbstract Poster
Preliminary Back Trajectory Analysis of Reactive Nitrogen Measured during the 2011 GrandTReNDS Study at Grand Teton National Park, WY
Kristi A. Gebhart, Michael G. Barna, Bret A. Schichtel, National Park Service, Air Resources Division, CIRA, Colorado State University, Anthony J. Prenni, Ezra J.T. Levin, Amy P. Sullivan, Jeffrey L. Collett Jr, Colorado State University, Atmospheric Science Department, William C. Malm, Tammy Thompson, Derek Day, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), Colorado State University, Katherine B. Benedict, University of California at DavisAbstract
Climate controls on the fate of anthropogenic nitrogen additions in hot desert ecosystems
D.P. Huber, K.A. Lohse, Idaho State University, S.J. Hall, Arizona State UniversityAbstract
Data Quality Explorations Using Duplicate Measurements
Nicole P. Hyslop and Warren H. White, Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, University of CaliforniaAbstract Poster
The Evolution of the Clean Air Status and Network (CASTNET) 1986 to Current
Selma Isil, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., Newberry, FL and Christopher Rogers, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., Jacksonville, FLAbstract
Biological Sensors for Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
Amanda James, James Sickman, and Mark Fenn, University of California, Riverside and U.S. Forest ServiceAbstract
Using δ15N and passive air samplers to identify gradients of nitrogen deposition from a coal-fired power plant
Julie A. Kenkel and Thomas D. Sisk, School of Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, Kevin R. Hultine, Desert Botanical Garden, Steven Sesnie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Nancy C. Johnson, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona UniversityAbstract Poster
Low-Power Instrumentation for Ozone Data Collection at Remote Sites
John L. Korfmacher and Robert C. Musselman, US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research StationAbstract Poster
The National Atmospheric Deposition Program/Ammonia Monitoring Network (NADP/AMoN): Five Years of Trends
Lehmann, Christopher; Kerschner, Brian; Gartman, Nina; Green, Lee; Gay, David, National Atmospheric Deposition Program, Illinois State Water Survey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Puchalski, Melissa, U.S. EPAAbstract
Alexander Maestre, University of Alabama, Jane M. Caffrey, University of West Florida, William M. Landing and Nishanth Krishnamurthy, Florida State University and Arnout Ter Schure, Electric Power Research InstituteAbstract
Effect of power-plant emission reductions on the Mount Zirkel Wilderness Area in northwestern Colorado
M. Alisa Mast, U.S. Geological Survey & Daniel Ely, LLCAbstract Poster
Using Epiphytic Lichens to Monitor Nitrogen Deposition Near Natural Gas Drilling Operations in the Wind River Range, WY, USA
Jill A. McMurray, Mark E. Fenn, Linda H. Geiser, & Sarah Jovan, U.S. Forest Service and Dave W. Roberts, Montana State UniversityAbstract Poster
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Wet and Dry Deposition of Mercury in Western North America
Kristi Morris, National Park Service-Air Resources Division, Alisa Mast and George Ingersoll, US Geological Survey, Genine Wright and Mae Gustin, University of Nevada, Reno, Chris Eckley, US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)-Region 10, Dave Schmeltz, US EPA-Clean Air Markets Division, David Gay, NADP Program Office, Program Coordinator, Alexandra Steffen, Leiming Zhang, and Pierrette Blanchard, Environment Canada, Peter Weiss-Penzias, University of California, Santa Cruz, Dan Jaffe, University of Washington, Jill Webster, US Fish and Wildlife Service-Air Quality Branch and Mark Sather, U.S. EPA-Region 6, Air Quality Analysis SectionAbstract
Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet): For Estimates of Dry Deposition of Mercury
Mark L. Olson, David Gay, and Tom Bergerhouse, University of Ilinois, Eric M. Prestbo, Tekran Research & Development and David Schmeltz, U.S. EPAAbstract
SubCommittee on Urban Atmospheric Monitoring (SCUAM)
Richard V. Pouyat, USDA Forest Service, Thomas Whitlow, Cornell University and Pamela Templer, Boston UniversityAbstract
MDN and NTN Training Webinars
Jeffrey Pribble and Brian Kerschner, Central Analytical Laboratory, Illinois State Water Survey and Jason Karlstrom, Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences, IncAbstract
Mercury Speciation at a Suburban Site in the Mid-Atlantic United States: Seasonal and Diurnal Variations and Source-Receptor Correlationship
Xinrong Ren, Daniel Tong, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and University of Maryland, Winston T. Luke, Paul Kelley, Mark Cohen, Richard Artz, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Mark L. Olson, Illinois State Water Survey, David Schmeltz, U.S. EPAAbstract Poster
The National Atmospheric Deposition Program Litterfall Mercury Monitoring Initiative
Martin R. Risch, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract
Atmospheric Deposition Comparisons Between Photochemical Grid Model Estimates and Measurements in the Western U.S
Tiffany Samuelson, Zion Wang, Courtney Taylor & Marco Rodriguez, AECOM IncAbstract
On a Revised Formulation for the Multi-Layer Model (MLM) for Inferring Dry Deposition to Vegetated Surfaces: Impact on Inferred HNO3 Dry Deposition
Rick D. Saylor and Tilden P. Meyers, NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Glenn M. Wolfe, University of Maryland Baltimore County and Bruce B. Hicks, MetcorpsAbstract
Assessing the use of diatom-based critical loads of nitrogen deposition in lakes from three National Parks in Washington State
Richard W. Sheibley, James R. Foreman and Patrick W. Moran, US Geological Survey, Tacoma, WA, Mihaela Enache, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia at Drexel University, Current address: NJ Department of Environmental Protection and Peter W. Swarzenski, US Geological Survey, Santa Cruz, CAAbstract
Characterizations of atmospheric mercury deposition on a free tropospheric mountain-top site in Taiwan
Guey-Rong Sheu, Da-Wei Lin, Neng-Huei Lin, National Central University, Taiwan, Leiming Zhang, Environment Canada, and Shu-Ting Liang, and Yi-Hui Hsieh, Taiwan Environmental Protection AdministrationAbstract
Trends in aerosol acidity and constraints on past ammonia derived from 20 years of Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN) data
Alex Tevlin and Jennifer Murphy, University of TorontoAbstract
Accurate Representation of Ammonia in Rocky Mountain National Park: Investigating Diurnal Concentration Profiles
Tammy M. Thompson and William C. Malm, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University, Michael G. Barna, Kristi A. Gebhart, and Bret A. Schichtel, National Park Service, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State UniversityAbstract
Bias in modeled bi-directional NH3 fluxes associated with temporal averaging of atmospheric NH3 concentrations
John T. Walker, U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development and Melissa Puchalski, U.S. EPA, Office of Air Programs, Clean Air Markets DivisionAbstract
Statistical Comparison of OTT Pluvio-2 and Belfort 5-780 Weekly Precipitation Records
Gregory A. Wetherbee, USGS/Branch of Quality Systems, Mark F. Rhodes, Illinois State Water Survey and Amy S. Ludtke, USGS, Office of Water QualityAbstract
Trends in gypsiferous aerosol downwind of White Sands, New Mexico
Warren H. White, Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, University of California, Krystyna Trzepla and Sinan Yatkin, University of California, Thomas E. Gill and Lixin Jin, University of Texas, El PasoAbstract
Measurement of light absorption in the IMPROVE Aerosol Monitoring Network
Warren H. White, Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, University of CaliforniaAbstract Poster