Keynote Address
Dr. Gene Likens
Session One
Atmospheric Deposition - Spatial and Temporal Patterns
Session Two
Urban Deposition and Critical Loads
Session Three
Atmospheric Mercury Deposition
Session Four
Mercury in Ecosystems
Session Five
Ecosystem Effects, Recovery and the Future
Session Six
Atmospheric Deposition - Total and Reduced Nitrogen
Session 4: Mercury in Ecosystems
Moderator: Eric PrestboFactors Influencing Mercury Concentrations in Fish from Streams in the Northeastern United States
Karen Riva-Murray, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract
Chemical and Physical Controls on Mercury Source Signatures in Stream Fish from the Northeastern United States
Sarah Janssen, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract
Mercury in fish from national parks – concentrations, sources, and ecological risk
Colleen Flanagan Pritz, National Park Service Air Resources DivisionAbstract
Increase in Lake Champlain fish mercury linked to elevated sediment loading from Hurricane Irene
Mark Swinton, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteAbstract Presentation
The Dragonfly Mercury Project: biosentinel mercury concentrations and landscape drivers across US national parks
Megan Hess, Program in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, The University of MaineAbstract