Keynote Address
Dr. Gene Likens
Session One
Atmospheric Deposition - Spatial and Temporal Patterns
Session Two
Urban Deposition and Critical Loads
Session Three
Atmospheric Mercury Deposition
Session Four
Mercury in Ecosystems
Session Five
Ecosystem Effects, Recovery and the Future
Session Six
Atmospheric Deposition - Total and Reduced Nitrogen
Session 2: Urban Deposition and Critical Loads
Moderators: Chris ClarkPatterns and controls on atmospheric nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon deposition in urban environments
Pamela Templer, Boston UniversityAbstract Presentation
Enhancing wet-deposition maps with urban data: Preliminary results from the Network for Urban Atmospheric Nitrogen Chemistry
Gregory Wetherbee, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract
History of Critical Loads in North America
Tamara Blett, National Park ServiceAbstract Presentation
Exceedance of lichen-based critical loads of atmospheric deposition: Why would a manager care?
Linda Geiser, USDA-Forest ServiceAbstract Presentation
Past, present and future of critical loads ─ European perspective
Maximilian Posch, IIASAAbstract Presentation