Session One
International atmospheric, deposition, and climate monitoring and models
Session Two
Measurements and models of wet and dry atmospheric deposition
Session Three
Agricultural emissions and atmospheric deposition
Session Four
Mercury deposition and ecosystem effects
Session Five
Critical Loads of mercury and nitrogen
Session Six
Urban air chemistry and deposition
Session 5: Critical Loads of mercury and nitrogen
Moderators: Jason Lynch, USEPA and Jennifer Phelan, RTICritical loads: a boundary-spanning approach to air quality management to protect ecosystems
Charles Driscoll, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse UniversityAbstract Presentation
Critical loads in Europe: overview and latest developments
Gert Jan Reinds, Alterra-Wageningen URAbstract Presentation
Nitrogen Critical Loads in the Pacific Northwest, USA: Current Understanding and Data Gaps
Tonnie Cummings, National Park ServiceAbstract Presentation
Contribution of Oil and Gas Production to Nitrogen Deposition and Critical Load exceedance in Class 1&2 Areas in the Western US
Tammy Thompson, CSU CIRAAbstract
Development and release of the Air Quality Portal for Land Management Planning: The application and use of critical loads for management and policy decisions
Claire O'Dea, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract Presentation
Comparison of Aerodynamic Resistance Parameterizations and Implications for Dry Deposition Modeling
John Walker, US EPAAbstract
Characteristics of New CMAQ Deposition Series of 2002 to 2011 for Critical Loads
Robin Dennis, US EPAAbstract Presentation
A management tool for predicting effects of interactions of climate change and nitrogen deposition on forest health and setting critical loads
Linda Pardo, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract