Session One
International atmospheric, deposition, and climate monitoring and models
Session Two
Measurements and models of wet and dry atmospheric deposition
Session Three
Agricultural emissions and atmospheric deposition
Session Four
Mercury deposition and ecosystem effects
Session Five
Critical Loads of mercury and nitrogen
Session Six
Urban air chemistry and deposition
Session 3: Agricultural emissions and atmospheric deposition
Moderator: Rich Grant, Purdue UniversityNational Assessment of Emissions from Livestock Facilities
Albert J. Heber, Purdue UniversityAbstract
Using estimates of nitrogen deposition from the National Atmospheric Deposition Program to assess sources and spatial distribution of stream nitrogen loads in the United States
Anne Hoos, U.S. Geological Sur veyAbstract
Quantifying Bi-Directional Ammonia Flux from Managed Cropland by Relaxed Eddy Accumulation
Andrew Nelson, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of IllinoisAbstract
Measurement of speciated nitrogen and sulfur fluxes above a grass field
Ian Rumsey, College of CharlestonAbstract