Session One
International atmospheric, deposition, and climate monitoring and models
Session Two
Measurements and models of wet and dry atmospheric deposition
Session Three
Agricultural emissions and atmospheric deposition
Session Four
Mercury deposition and ecosystem effects
Session Five
Critical Loads of mercury and nitrogen
Session Six
Urban air chemistry and deposition
Session 1: International atmospheric, deposition, and climate monitoring and models
Moderator: Richard Artz, NOAAA Global Assessment of Precipitation Chemistry and Deposition
Robert Vet, Environment CanadaAbstract Presentation

What In the World Is the WMO GAW QASAC-Americas and Is NADP Contributing to Standardization of Global Precipitation Chemistry Measurements?
Van Bowersox, World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry and Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centre - AmericasAbstract Presentation

Mercury Monitoring in Taiwan and Southeast Asia
Guey-Rong Sheu, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, TaiwanAbstract Presentation

Total Deposition of Nitrogen and Sulfur in the United States
Gary Lear, Clean Air Markets Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract
Increased Air Pollution over the Chesapeake Bay and its Effect on Deposition to the Bay
Dan Goldberg, University of MarylandAbstract Presentation