Session One
Total Nitrogen Deposition
Session Two
Ecological Impacts and Atmospheric Deposition
Session Three
Climate Change/Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Session Four
Deposition Effects in Alpine Environments
Session Five
Critical Loads
Session Six
Total Mercury Deposition
Session Four: Deposition Effects in Alpine Environments
Session Chair: Kristi Morris, National Park Service
Observations of Airborne Pollutants and Deposition during the 2006 Rocky Mountain Airborne Nitrogen and Sulfur (RoMANS) Study
J. Collett, C. Gorin, S. Raja, C. Carrico, T. Lee1, F. Schwandner,Atmospheric Science Department, CSU, Fort Collins, CO
D. Day, National Park Service/CIRA, CSU, Fort Collins, CO
A. Sullivan, G. McMeeking, K. Beem, S. Kreidenweis,
Atmospheric Science Department, CSU, Fort Collins, CO
J. Hand, B. Schichtel and W. Malm,
National Park Service/CIRA, CSU, Fort Collins, CO
Simulating Deposition with a Regional Air Quality Model for the Rocky Mountain Atmospheric Nitrogen and Sulfur (RoMANS) Study
Michael Barna, National Park ServiceMarco A. Rodriguez, CIRA, Colorado State University
Kristi A. Gebhart and Bret A. Schichtel, Air Resources Division,
National Park Service
William C. Malm, National Park Service, CIRA/CSU
Abstract Presentation (1,072 KB)
Nitrogen Saturation in the Rocky Mountains: Linking Emissions, Deposition, and Ecosystem Effects Using Stable Isotopes of Nitrogen Compounds
Donald Campbell and Leora Nanus, USGS, Lakewood COJK Bohlke, USGS, Reston, VA
Karen Harlin, NADP, Champaign, IL
Jeff Collett, CSU, Ft. Collins, CO
Spatial Distribution of Nitrogen Deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park, USA
David Clow, U.S. Geological SurveyMark Fenn, USDA Forest Service
Don Campbell and Leora Nanus, USGS, Denver Federal Center
What is Causing the Recent Increases in NO3 in Loch Vale Surface Waters?
J.S. Baron, USGS, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory,CSU, Ft Collins, CO
T.R.Schmidt, USGS, Mineral Resources Team, Denver CO
A. Krcmarik, USGS, Fort Collins Science Center, Fort Collins CO
N Deposition Effects on Vegetation and Soils in Alpine Ecosystems
William Bowman, University of Colorado – BoulderAbstract Presentation (1,072 KB)
Nitric Acid Dry Deposition at Conifer Forests: Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Subalpine Spruce-Fir Study
Herman Sievering, University of Colorado – Boulder, University of Colorado – DenverC. Seibold, INSTAAR, Univ. of Colorado-Boulder
G. Rattray, Environ. Science Prog., Geog. & Environ. Sci. Dept., Univ. of Colorado-Denver
T. Tomaszewsk, i Environmental Studies Program, Univ. of Colorado-Boulder