Session One
Total Nitrogen Deposition
Session Two
Ecological Impacts and Atmospheric Deposition
Session Three
Climate Change/Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Session Four
Deposition Effects in Alpine Environments
Session Five
Critical Loads
Session Six
Total Mercury Deposition
Session Two: Ecological Impacts and Atmospheric Deposition
Session Chair: Pamela Padgett, USDA Forest Service
A Reversal of Acidification Recovery Trends in Stream-Water Chemistry in the Catskill Mountain Region of New York
Doug Burns, U.S. Geological Survey, NAPAPAbstract

Effects of Acid Rain on the Chemistry of Western Adirondack Streams in 2003-2005
Greg Lawrence, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract

Regional Estimates of Contaminant Deposition in Aquatic Ecosystems
Frank McCormick, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract

Predicting Change in Nitrogen Loading to Escambia Bay Due to Additional Point Page Source Controls on a Nearby Power Plant
Michele Cutrofello, Jo Ellen Brandmeyer, Stephen Beaulieu,Randy Dodd, RTI International
Justin T. Walters, John J. Jansen, Southern Company
Krish Vijayaraghavan, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.

Investigating the Effects of Nitric Acid on Ramalina menziesii Tayl
Jennifer Riddell, Arizona State University School of Life SciencesAbstract

Understanding the Interactive Effects of Nitrogen Deposition, Global Warming, and Increased Snowfall on the Encroachment of Woody Shrubs into the Alpine Tundra
Isabel Ashton, Jane G. Smith, Marko Spasojevic, Katharine N. Suding,University of California, Irvine