Session One
Critical Loads: Acidification and Excess Nitrogen Thresholds
Session Two
Air and Water Quality: Linkages and Synergies
Session Three
Air and Water Quality: Linkages and Synergies
Session Four
Deposition Modeling and Monitoring
Session Five
Urban Air Quality and Deposition
Session Six
Nitrogen: Transport, Deposition and Effects
Session Seven
Nitrogen: Transport, Deposition and Effects
Session Eight
Agriculture: Ammonia Emissions, Trends, Deposition
Session 5: Urban Air Quality and Deposition
Moderator: Steve DecinaQuantifying urban nitrogen emission and deposition through optical sensing techniques
Kang Sun, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsAbstract
Using Moss to Detect Fine-Scaled Deposition of Heavy Metals in Urban Environments
Sarah Jovan, U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research StationAbstract Presentation
Elemental carbon deposition to urban tree canopies: magnitudes and spatial patterns
Alexandra G. Ponette-González, Department of Geography and the Environment, University of North TexasAbstract Presentation
Characteristics and Ecological Impacts of Atmospheric Deposition in Urban and Urban-Affected Regions
Mark Fenn, USDA Forest Service, PSW Research StationAbstract Presentation
Assessing Sources and Fluxes of Reactive Nitrogen Deposition to Urban Landscapes Using Ion Exchange Resins
Rebecca Forgrave, University of PittsburghAbstract Presentation
Increasing ethanol consumption as a renewable fuel: How will vehicle ethanol emissions impact the urban atmosphere?
J. David Felix, Texas A&M University - Corpus ChristiAbstract