Keynote Address
Dr. Daniel Wildcat
Session One
Connections between Visibility and Atmospheric
Session Two
Critical Loads of Atmospheric Deposition, Fire Risk, and Ecosystem Change
Session Three
A summary of the Special Acid Rain 2015 Issue of Atmospheric Environment
Session Four
Atmospheric Mercury Deposition and Cycling in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Session Five
Atmospheric Mercury Deposition and Cycling in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems (cont.)
Session Six
Deposition and Critical Loads Estimates in Tribal Communities
Session Seven
Atmospheric Deposition Model Evaluation, Uncertainty, and Measurement Model Fusion
Session Eight
Atmospheric Deposition Modeling
Session Nine
Novel Measurements of Atmospheric Deposition and Ecosystem Processes
Session Ten
Influences of Trends and Climate Change on Critical Loads
Session Eleven
Urban Atmospheric Chemistry and Deposition
Poster Session
Establishing a National Aeroallergen Monitoring Network: Opportunities for NADP Collaboration
Norman Anderson, Council of State and Territorial EpidemiologistsAbstract
Nitrogen from the Atmosphere: A summary of the pathways of reactive nitrogen in the environment and NADP’s role in better understanding this essential element
Tom Butler, Cary Institute of Ecosytems Studies and Cornell UniversityAbstract Presentation
Organic functional group and OM/OC measurements at select IMPROVE sites using Infrared Spectra: Organosulfates and amines
Ann Dillner, University of California, DavisAbstract
Estimating sources, sinks and fluxes of atmospheric reactive nitrogen within a forest canopy
Tomer Duman, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke UniversityAbstract
Mercury in Fishes from Yosemite (CA), Mount Rainier (WA), and Rocky Mountain (CO) National Parks: Potential Drivers and Ecological Risk
Colleen Flanagan Pritz, National Park ServiceAbstract
Meteorological Factors in Spring Dust Trends in the Southwestern U.S.
Kristi Gebhart, National Park ServiceAbstract Presentation
Celebrating lichens and their uses
Linda Geiser, USDA-Forest ServiceAbstract Presentation
A National Assessment of the Ecological Effects of Nitrogen and Sulfur Oxides
Tara Greaver, Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract
The Central Analytical Laboratory of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program: Thirty-Nine Years of Analytical Evolution
Lee Green, NADP, CALAbstract Presentation
Cloud Water and Filter Pack Concentrations from the Summit of Whireface Mountain, NY
Selma Isil, Amec Foster Wheeler, Inc.Abstract
Atmospheric Mercury Deposition at Selected NADP Sites
Miranda Jackson, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State UniversityAbstract Presentation
Changes in Air Temperature and Precipitation Chemistry Linked to Water Temperature and Acidity Trends in Freshwater Lakes of Cape Cod National Seashore (Massachusetts, USA)
Krista Lee, Cape Cod National SeashoreAbstract
Characterizing Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition in Latin America: Simulation and Evaluation
Haley Lewis, University of FloridaAbstract
Atmospheric Deposition of PCBs in Northern New Mexico
Courtney A. Perkins, New Mexico Environment Department, DOE Oversight BureauAbstract
A case study of possible relationships between air pollution and tree rings in the northwestern Czech Republic
Joseph Pinto, US EPA/NCEAAbstract
An overview of changes in wet deposition across the U.S. over the past 25 years
Joseph Pinto, US EPA/ NCEAAbstract
Spatial scale variability of NH3 and impacts to interpolated concentration grids
Melissa Puchalski, US EPAAbstract
The potential effect of climate change on critical loads of nitrogen in Class I wilderness areas of the Northeastern United States.
Molly Robin-Abbott, USDA Forest ServiceAbstract
Estimating Total Deposition Using NADP and CASTNET Data
Christopher Rogers, Amec Foster WheelerAbstract
Measurement of air-surface exchange of speciated nitrogen and sulfur compounds in a coastal environment
Ian Rumsey, College of CharlestonAbstract
A Handbook of Tree Species Responses to Nitrogen Deposition
Robert D. Sabo, ORISE, EPAAbstract
Importance of Nitrogen Deposition to Freshwater Streams in the US.
Randy Waite, U.S. EPA, OAR, OAQPSAbstract
Conceptual Approach for Analyzing the Impact of Sulfur Deposition on Methylmercury Concentrations in Freshwater Streams
Randy Waite, US EPAAbstract
Characterization of chromatography related performance of the Monitor for AeRosols and GAses in ambient air (MARGA)
John Walker, US EPAAbstract
Total and monomethylmercury and major ions in coastal California fog water: Results from two years of sampling on land and at sea
Peter Weiss-Penzias, UC Santa CruzAbstract
Bias between N-CON and AeroChem precipitation collectors: Effects on trends and deposition maps for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program / National Trends Network
Gregory Wetherbee, U.S. Geological SurveyAbstract
Using deuterium excess to track annual and interannual contribution of tropical moisture to the west coast of the United States
Jessica Zaiss, University of Southern CaliforniaAbstract