Keynote Session
Invited Speakers
Session One
Climate Change
Session Two
Networks Monitoring Ecosystems
Session Three
Soil Networks
Session Four
Air Monitoring Networks
Session Five
Water Networks
Session Six
Biological Networks
Session Two: Networks Monitoring Ecosystems
Session Chair: Rich Pouyat, U.S. Forest ServiceSynthesizing Data on Stream Flow and Chemistry at Research Watersheds to Assess Effects of Atmospheric Deposition and Environmental Change
Stephen Sebestyen, U.S. Forest ServiceAbstract Presentation
Factors Controlling the Critical Loads and Dynamic Critical Loads in Lake-Watersheds of the Adirondack Region of New York
Charles Driscoll, Syracuse UniversityAbstract
Deposition of Reduced Nitrogen (NHx) in California and Other Western Regions: Prevalence and Ecological Importance
Mark Fenn, U.S. Forest ServiceAbstract Presentation
Total Mercury and Methyl-mercury Concentrations and Pools across 14 U.S. Forest Sites: Factors that Determine Mercury
Daniel Obrist, Desert Research InstituteAbstract Presentation
30 Atmospheric Observations of Nitrogen: Linking Regulatory Applications and Science across Atmospheric, Terrestrial and Aquatic Media
Rich Scheffe, U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAbstract Presentation