NADP Update: February, 2018
Dear NADP Participants:
We are pleased to provide you with the fourth monthly update on the upcoming move of the NADP Program Office (PO) and Central Analytical Lab (CAL) from the University of Illinois (U of I) to their new home at the University of Wisconsin’s State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) in Madison, WI. This is the last of these transition newsletters that you will receive from the University of Illinois mailing list. We are happy to report that PO transition is moving forward and is scheduled to meet our target date goal. The last day of official operation of the PO at the University of Illinois will be Feb. 28, 2018, and the new PO at WSLH will be fully operational on March 1, 2018. The email address for contacting NADP will change as of March 1 to: Also, beginning on March 1, site operators should direct any queries related to equipment to the Network Equipment Depot (NED) at WSLH. Note that the NADP Help Line phone number, 800-952-7353, will be transferred to WSLH and should be functional by March 1.
The CAL has a different transition schedule than the PO. The CAL will remain at the University of Illinois through the late spring. We do not yet have a firm date for the CAL transition as this will depend on successful demonstration of a series of performance criteria by the new lab. Once the transition date of the CAL has been established, you will hear from us and be given specific instructions of where and when to send NTN, AIRMoN, and AMoN samples. The Mercury Analytical Lab (HAL) is not moving, so MDN samples will continue to be shipped to Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences, Inc. AMNet will continue as in the past and will be supported by the Program Office at WSLH starting 3/1/2018. The Mercury Litterfall Network will transition later this spring to WSLH and MDN sites will receive additional communications on this.A new NADP Program Coordinator was selected to head the WSLH NADP team. Mike Olson began his tenure in this role January 2nd. Welcome Mike! He holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin and studied the optical properties of carbonaceous aerosols during his dissertation research. He has nearly 20 years of environmental program experience, including positions at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, UW-Madison Environmental Chemistry & Technology program, and as a consultant supporting federal, state, and tribal agencies.
The new Program Coordinator, Mike Olson, and current Coordinator, David Gay, have been working closely together to insure a smooth transition to WSLH. The Executive Committee is deeply indebted to David Gay and Chris Lehmann for their hard work, thoroughness, and collaborative spirit during this transition period. We would also like to thank all of the personnel at the University of Illinois PO and CAL for their hard work and dedication to maintain NADP as the premier atmospheric chemistry monitoring network in the world. In particular, Lisa Volk and Bob Larson have been extremely helpful in guiding the transition process. Thanks to every NADP employee at the University of Illinois for your dedication and service. We will truly miss you! NADP would also like to thank the University of Illinois and the Illinois State Water Survey for housing both the laboratory and Program Office over the past 40 years and 20 years respectively of the NADP; they have been instrumental to the success of the program.
We also wanted to bring to your attention that the NADP Spring Meeting will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on April 9-12, 2018. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please let Mike Olson ( or Lisa Volk ( know as soon as possible. Agendas and hotel information can be found on the NADP web site at Note that the reservation deadline for the group discount rate is 3/16/2018. Also, please mark your calendars for the NADP 40th Anniversary Fall Meeting to be held Nov. 5-9, 2018 in Albany, New York. More information about this meeting will follow soon.
Finally, all NADP mailing lists will become active at WLSH on March 1. Expect to receive a welcome newsletter on March 1 from the new Wisconsin list. If you do not receive this welcome newsletter, please send an email to The WSLH has recruited some exceptional staff to lead the new Program Office, and Mike Olson will make some staffing announcements in this newsletter.
Tamara Blett and Doug Burns- Chair and Vice-Chair of the NADP Executive Committee