NADP Update: January, 2018
Dear NADP Participants:

We are pleased to provide you with the third monthly update on the upcoming move of the NADP Program Office (PO) and Central Analytical Lab (CAL) from the University of Illinois (U of I) to their new home at the University of Wisconsin’s State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) in Madison, WI. The Program Office is on track to meet the transfer target date of Feb 28, 2018; and the CAL is on track to transfer in late spring or early summer, 2018. Sites should continue to ship NADP samples to the address they are using now until notified of the date of the switch and the new address. Note that the mercury analytical lab (HAL) will be not moving, so the mercury wet deposition sample shipping and receiving will remain the same.

A new NADP Program Coordinator was selected to head the WSLH NADP team. Mike Olson began his tenure in this role January 2nd. Welcome Mike! He holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin and studied the optical properties of carbonaceous aerosols during his dissertation research. He has nearly 20 years of environmental program experience, including positions at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, UW-Madison Environmental Chemistry & Technology program, and as a consultant supporting federal, state, and tribal agencies.

David Gay, the longtime coordinator of the NADP at the U of I has been extremely helpful in facilitating a smooth transition from U of I to the WSLH. The NADP Executive Committee is deeply indebted to David for his steady leadership, outstanding communication skills, and positive outlook, both over the past several years, and throughout this transition period. We greatly appreciate his willingness to pass along his vast expertise and wisdom to Mike Olson. In addition to the work being done to move the Program Office, the Lab Transition team has been working diligently to establish a laboratory verification plan that ensures comparability of samples between the two labs. Greg Wetherbee (USGS) is leading the Quality Assurance Advisory Group in overseeing this verification effort. A big thanks to Chris Lehmann and his staff at the CAL and to Martin Shafer and the team at WSLH for all of their efforts on this critical activity.

NADP data continues to make large contributions to our scientific understanding of atmospheric deposition and its environmental effects. David Gay reports that in 2017, 213 journal articles and/or scientific reports used NADP data. The listing of all citations is available at:

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the NADP move and transition:

Q: How will financial arrangements with WSLH be made to cover my NADP site?
A: Site sponsors will be receiving termination notifications from the University of Illinois to end their agreements on 2/28/2018. The WSLH has been working with individual site sponsors (funders) to set up new funding mechanisms for all networks. All non-federal funding arrangements with WSLH should be set up and active by Feb 28, 2018. NADP site sponsors should be proactive in ensuring that financial agreements for network sites are in place with WSLH. Chris Gunter on the WSLH financial team is the contact (, 608-265-2254).

Q: Will the Mercury Litterfall Network continue at the new Program Office?
A: Yes, plans are underway to transition this network to the new Program Office. Due to the recent retirement of Marty Risch, this network will be coordinated in 2018 by Doug Burns, USGS, Troy, NY, an experienced mercury scientist. Funding will be coordinated through the new Program Office at WSLH. News will be forthcoming this spring about financial and logistical arrangements for continued participation in this network.

Q: What about AMNet?
A: The AMNet program will continue as in the past, and new SWfunding agreements will be established with the WSLH.

Q: What about AMoN?
A: Coordination for the AMoN network will be transferring to WSLH on 3/1/2018, but analytical services will remain at the University of Illinois CAL until the lab transfer occurs in late spring. Shipping and receiving of samplers will remain at Illinois until AMoN sites are notified of the lab change date.

Q: What will happen to the NADP website address (URL) at the University of Illinois?
A: The host for the NADP website will be moved to the WSLH by Feb 28, 2018. We will be announcing the new web address soon. The old (U of I) web address for NADP will have a “permanent redirection” to the new site at WSLH.

Q: What will happen to the NADP listserv mailing lists?
A: The existing mailing lists are being ported over to the WSLH. A final email will be sent out from the U of I server around 2/28/2018 to remind people of the change. On 3/1/2018, an email will be sent from the WSLH server to kick off the new program office.

We will continue to keep you updated on progress with the NADP transition. Expect another update from us in February.

Tamara Blett and Doug Burns- Chair and Vice-Chair of the NADP Executive Committee