General NADP Transition Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What will happen to the NADP website address (URL) at the University of Illinois?
A: The NADP web site will be located at at on March 1, 2018. The old (U of I) web address for NADP will have a “permanent redirection” to the new site at WSLH.
Q: What will happen to the NADP listserv mailing lists?
A: All of mailing lists will be transferred to the WSLH. A final email will be sent out from the U of I server around 2/28/2018 to remind people of the change. On 3/1/2018, an email will be sent from the WSLH server to kick off the new program office.
The new mailing lists will be:
Q: How will we make sure that the NADP data will be comparable between the old and new labs?
A: QA Staff from the Program Office and USGS are currently preparing a “Performance Verification Plan” which will describe a number of steps that will be taken to ensure that sampling at the new WSLH lab meets NADP data quality objectives. The “switchover” to the new lab will take place after we are satisfied that the data quality objectives can be met. This is anticipated to occur in summer 2018.