HAL Transition Frequently Asked Questions for Site Operations

Q: How will we make sure that the NADP data will be comparable between the old and new labs?

A: QA Staff from NADP Program Office/CAL and USGS have prepared a “Readiness Verification Plan (RVP)” which describes a number of steps that will be taken to ensure that sampling and analysis at the WSLH lab meets NADP data quality objectives.

Q: When should my site begin sending samples to WSLH?

A:All samples removed in May 2019 will be returned to Eurofins FGS. All samples removed on June 4th, 2019 and beyond will be shipped to the WSLH. at the Henry Mall address:

NADP Sample Receiving
WI State Laboratory of Hygiene
465 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
Tel. 800-952-7353

If you receive pre-paid labels from your site sponsor, they have been notified of the upcoming change and will be sending you pre-paid labels with the new address.

Q: When will I start receiving supplies from WSLH?

A: The HAL at Eurofins FGS will continue to send supplies until the end of May 2019. The WSLH will supply coolers for the June 4th, 2019 deployment and beyond.

Q: Will there be any changes to the sampling procedures?

A: Some changes that will occur include:
a. A redesigned Mercury Observer Form (MOF) will be implemented
b. The coolers will be shipped in boxes, the coolers should be shipped back in the same box. Depending on the shipping method used, sites will see a savings in shipping costs.
c. A sample receipt report will be generated upon sample login and sent back to the operator via email.
d. The Bottle ID sticker will be a different format, operators will continue to record Bottle ID on the MOF.
e. Matching site ID stickers will be provided to place on the MOF and the bottle at the time of collection

Q:Who do I contact with site support questions?

A: Please use the NADP toll-free 1-800-952-7353 number for questions about sampling, supplies, equipment, coolers, etc. This number will be for all NADP site support. You can also submit questions or concerns to the MDN email address mdn@slh.wisc.edu