Lower Eastern Shore Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Project

Deborah Sauder1, Bernice Bediako2, Moses Kairo3 and Ryan Auvil4

The Eastern Shore of Maryland is home to some 500 CAFO- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations raising 30,000-560,000 chickens at a time. Recent citizen complaints about air pollution and offensive odors emanating from chicken houses have led to a project by the Maryland Department of the Environment in collaboration with faculty from the Department of Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore with funding provided by the Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. and the Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment.  This one-year project will measure ambient air quality on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland.  Ammonia, PM2.5, PM10 and meteorological conditions will be monitored continuously at four separate locations.  Two sites are on the lower shore (with one having a significant number of CAFOs nearby), one on Horn Pt in Cambridge MD and one in Baltimore City.   A comparison and air quality analysis between the four sites will be performed following the one year of measurements.


1University of Maryland Eastern Shore, dgsauder@umes.edu
2University of Maryland Eastern Shore, bbediako@umes.edu
3University of Maryland Eastern Shore, mairo@umes.edu
4Maryland Department of the Environment, ryan.auvil@maryland.gov