Water-atmosphere flux of ammonia in subtropical semi-arid estuary systems
Warren Dunegan1 and J. David Felix2
Water-atmosphere flux of ammonia (NH3) remains an uncertainty in the global NH3 budget and quantification is fundamental for estimating nitrogen deposition loading and cycling in sensitive coastal ecosystems. This study quantifies monthly water-atmosphere NH3 flux at 10 sites (nine estuary sites and one Gulf of Mexico site) spanning ~400 km of the Texas Coastal Bend from 9/2018 to 4/2019. The regional average NH3 flux was 2.52 ± 3.57 ng m-2 s-1 denoting net NH3 emission and the annual range among the 10 sites was -2.61 to 8.68 ng m-2 s-1. This range falls within the range of the very limited number of reported water-atmosphere NH3 fluxes in the open ocean and estuaries. Generally, NH3 flux in fall months featured NH3 emission from surface waters while winter featured NH3 deposition and spring months varied between emission and deposition. Many physical and chemical factors (e.g. temperature, salinity, NH4+ (aq), atmospheric NH3, wind speed, pH) impact the direction and magnitude of NH3 flux and principal component analysis is employed to provide insight to the significant influences on flux. The overall annual emission flux of 0.79 kg ha-1 yr-1 is ~18% of recently modeled total dry N deposition for the region (4.5 kg ha-1 yr-1). An approximate total of 0.33 Mg NH3 is emitted from the nine estuaries per year, and although still dwarfed by agricultural emissions, this is ~4.6 and 1.2 times greater than National Emissions Inventory estimated emissions for electric generating units and on-road vehicles, respectively, in surrounding Texas Coastal Bend counties. As a potentially substantial contributor to NH3 concentrations in local ambient air and emission/deposition pathway in sensitive coastal environments, the water-atmosphere flux of NH3 requires comprehensive quantification across varying estuary systems to aid nitrogen loading estimates and guide NH3 emission mitigation efforts.
1Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, joseph.felix@tamucc.edu 2Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, joseph.felix@tamucc.edu