Evaluation and Intercomparison of Modeled Atmospheric Deposition over North America and Europe – An Overview of Phase 4 of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative

Donna Schwede1, Johannes Bieser2, Olivia Clifton3, Jason Ducker4, Lisa Emberson5, Johannes Flemming6, Stefano Galmarini7, Christian Hogrefe8, Christopher Holmes9, Paul Makar10, Martijn Schaap11 and Sam Silva12

This poster will present an overview of work planned under Phase 4 of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII). Since its inception in 2009, AQMEII has brought together a total of 37 modeling groups from 17 countries in North America and Europe to conduct coordinated research projects and model inter-comparison exercises aimed at advancing model evaluation practices and informing model development. The focus of Phase 4 is on assessing the ability of regional-scale air quality models to simulate dry and wet deposition of trace gases and aerosols. The poster will present the design of the coordinated model simulations, describe the common emission and boundary condition datasets to be used by all modeling groups, summarize the observational datasets to be used for model evaluation over North America and Europe, and discuss the data infrastructure aspect of the activity. Furthermore, we provide a description of planned analysis methods aimed at quantifying the impact of different process-level deposition algorithms and parameterizations on modeled deposition fields. Finally, we present a roadmap for how output fields generated by AQMEII Phase 4 participants could potentially be used in measurement-model fusion approaches for generating total deposition maps and in ecosystem impact assessment studies.


1USEPA, schwede.donna@epa.gov
2Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, johannes.bieser@hzg.de
3Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, oclifton@ldeo.columbia.edu
4Florida State University, jad10d@my.fsu.edu
5University of York, l.emberson@york.ac.uk
6European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Flemming@ecmwf.int
7European Commission Joint Research Centre, stefano.galmarini@ec.europa.eu
8USEPA, hogrefe.christian@epa.gov
9Florida State University, cdholmes@fsu.edu
10Environment and Climate Change Canada, paul.makar@canada.ca
12Massachusetts Institute of Technology, samsilva@mit.edu