Establish National Atmospheric Deposition Program Sites at Historically Black Colleges & Universities

Dennis Jackson1, Kathy Carvalho-Knighton2, Glenn McClendon3, Godfrey A. Uzochukwu4, Elijah Johnson5, Karen Skubal6 and Dennis G. Jackson7

The Savannah River Environmental Sciences Field Station (SRESFS) is a consortium of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) that provide hands-on, field oriented experiences for underrepresented students. The US Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management has provided support to establish and operate NADP National Trends Network (NTN) and Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) sites at two HBCU facilities. The grant provided network approved equipment that is located at North Carolina A&T State University (NCA&T) and Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU), both 1890 land grant institutions. Research professors at each institution oversee the local operation through the use of student research interns. Professors and interns operate each station consistent with current NADP protocols to measure local deposition. Through the NADP program office the local deposition results will be incorporated with results from other stations across the United States. This project will introduce HBCU professors and students to techniques of deposition monitoring, contribute to nationwide efforts in environmental monitoring, and provide collaboration opportunities for HBCU faculty with other researchers related to atmospheric deposition.


1Savannah River National Laboratory,
2Savannah River Environmental Sciences Field Station, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC
3South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC
4North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro, NC
5Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
6US Department of Energy
7avannah River National Laboratory,