Controls on Variability of Nitrogen Deposition and Cycling within Urban Ecosystems

Steve Decina1, Dr. Pamela Templer2 and Dr. Lucy Hutyra3

Numerous studies have shown elevated rates of nitrogen deposition in urban areas compared to their rural counterparts.  However, we do not have a clear understanding of how rates of nitrogen deposition and cycling vary within a city and as a function of different urban land uses.  In this study, we measured rates of nitrogen deposition, internal nitrogen cycling, nitrogen leaching, and soil CO2 respiration across 15 sites in and around Boston, MA.  In order to determine potential drivers of urban nitrogen cycling, these sites range across metrics of urbanness, including traffic density, distance to major highways, and impervious surface area fraction.  Preliminary results show variability within urban areas that has not yet been accounted for in previous studies examining only one or two urban sites.  The results of this study have the potential to inform our understanding of atmospheric deposition in urban areas and to reveal how particular features of a city may influence atmospheric nitrogen inputs and cycling, which could be instrumental in more accurately constraining regional estimates of deposition and critical loads.


1Boston University,
2Boston University,
3Boston University,