Sourcing dry N deposition in urban areas and implications for national N inventories
Katherine Redling1 and Emily Elliott2
While wet deposition makes up the majority of total reactive nitrogen deposition in the eastern U.S., dry deposition accounts for 20-50%, and thus can be a significant source of reactive nitrogen to ecosystems. While many studies have measured dry N deposition in rural areas, there are few measurements of dry N deposition in urban areas. When combined with national monitoring (e.g., NADP-NTN and CASTNET) sited in rural locations, dry N deposition in urban areas is poorly characterized. However, these measurements are especially important in areas with high traffic volumes because previous studies have shown that dry N deposition deposits close to the source, especially from automobiles. For example, previous research suggests that N deposition observed by NADP-NTN and CASTNET reflects NOy derived primarily from regionally-transported emissions from stationary sources (e.g., power plant smoke stacks) rather than mobile sources (e.g. automobiles). Furthermore, CASTNET does not measure NO2; 80% of dry N deposition measured by CASTNET is from HNO3. However, previous studies have documented that NO2 is a large component of total dry N deposition, especially near roadways.
This study characterized the amount and sources of dry N deposition (NO2 and HNO3) along two urban to rural gradients, one in Baltimore, MD and the other in Pittsburgh, PA, in order to better understand dry N deposition dynamics in urban areas. Passive samplers were deployed at urban, suburban and rural sites for five months to collect NO2 and HNO3 for calculation of N fluxes. This method provides a straightforward and inexpensive approach for monitoring N deposition and sources across large spatial gradients for extended time periods.
Results showed that the Pittsburgh gradient urban site had 1.8 times higher N flux than the corresponding rural site and 2.3 times higher N flux than the suburban site. The Maryland gradient urban site had 1.5 times greater total N flux than the rural site. Further, N deposition at urban sampling locations was greater than that measured at nearby CASTNET sites, which may lead to an underestimation of total N deposited in urban areas. 59-71% of the total nitrogen was NO2, which is not measured by CASTNET. NO2 flux was strongly correlated with traffic volume at each site, indicating that NO2 flux may be derived primarily from automobiles and deposits locally. In contrast, HNO3 flux correlated with stationary source NOx emissions, indicating that HNO3 may be transported regionally due to its longer atmospheric lifetime.
1University of Pittsburgh Department of Geology & Planetary Science, 2University of Pittsburgh Department of Geology & Planetary Science,