Uncertainties of gaseous oxidized mercury measurements: Ambient air concentration and dry deposition
Jiaoyan Huang1, Seth Lyman2 and Mae Gustin3
Mercury (Hg) is a toxic air pollutant, and the atmosphere is the primary pathway by which it enters ecosystems. Because of this it is important to understand the chemistry of atmospheric Hg, and processes controlling the deposition and assimilation into ecosystems for assessing risks to human and environmental health. The current sampling method for gaseous oxidized Hg (GOM) (KCl-coated denuder in a Tekran analytical system) has been reported to underestimate concentrations, and the uncertainty associated with the measurement of GOM and particulate bound Hg by this instrument is high. Because of this, estimation of GOM dry deposition in numerical models that use measured GOM concentrations are biased low. In addition, dry deposition measured with surrogate surfaces are typically higher than model values. Different GOM compounds have different chemical and physical properties that influence their atmospheric behavior. In this study, permeation tubes were made using 6 potential GOM compounds which can be separated by thermodesorption from nylon membranes at different temperatures. The ability of the KCl-denuder, cation-exchange membranes (CEM), and nylon membranes to take up these compounds were investigated using a manifold system under different conditions, including zero air, ambient air, and air with water vapor added. Laboratory and field results indicate both membranes have higher GOM collection efficiency than the KCl-coated denuder. In addition, multiple relative humidity tests (RH) using our manifold showed the GOM collection efficiency of Tekran was reduced 20-35% at RH = 25-70%. The membranes were also deployed using an active system at field sites in Nevada and Florida. Overall, the field results showed CEM collected the highest GOM concentration among these three methods, and nylon membranes were influenced by precipitation. Field data showed that different GOM compounds were released at different temperatures from nylon membranes and the results varied with location and time. Dry deposition was comparable to modeled results if the underestimation of GOM by the KCl-coated denuder was considered. GOM collected using our active system, and GOM dry deposition measured by surrogate surfaces indicate different GOM compounds in the atmosphere. This active membrane system can better quantify true GOM concentrations than KCl denuder-based methods and when coupled with ramp heating thermo-desorption through a pyrolyzer into a Tekran 2537 or to a GC-MS, can determine the chemistry of GOM compounds. Also, membrane-based passive samplers can be used for long-term global Hg monitoring.
1huangj1311@gmail.com 2Bingham Entrepreneurship & Energy Research Center, Utah State University, seth.lyman@usu.edu 3Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Nevada, mgustin@cabnr.unr.edu