
Use of Passive Samplers and Surrogate Surfaces to Understand Regional Trends in Hg Concentrations and Deposition

Mae Gustin*, Musheng Alishahi, Melissa Markee and Cassandra Woodward
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
MS 370 University of Nevada-Reno

Newly developed passive samplers and surrogate surfaces for characterizing trends in GOM concentrations and potential dry deposition were deployed over a year (July 2009 to August 2010) at three sites in Florida. A passive sample under development for GEM was also deployed. This project provided an opportunity to test the samplers within the realm of a large research project where atmospheric Hg concentrations and deposition were being measured by other groups. Data collected at these sites is being used to aid in establishing a statewide TMDL for mercury. Sampling locations were on the east coast near Ft. Lauderdale- operated by Broward County Environmental Protection Department; on the west coast near Tampa-operated by the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County; and on the panhandle near Pensacola operated by ARA, Inc. as part of the SEARCH network. Site operators deployed samplers on weekly and bi-weekly steps. The samplers were shipped on a monthly schedule. The general performance of the samplers is being evaluated and the data assessed. Regional trends in deposition and GOM concentrations were observed across the state.

Corresponding author: Mae Gustin 775-784-4203