Wisconsin State Perspective on the Environment
Matthew Frank, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Secretary
About the Secretary of Natural Resources
Governor Jim Doyle appointed Matt Frank as Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), effective September 1, 2007.
Matt Frank brings environmental enforcement experience and a lifelong love of the outdoors to the DNR. Secretary Frank comes to the DNR with extensive executive experience in state government, having served as Secretary of the Department of Corrections for more than four years and 22 years as an Assistant Attorney General for the Wisconsin Department of Justice. His tenure at DOJ included six years as Administrator of the Division of Legal Services during which time he oversaw the state's environmental protection defense and enforcement actions in state and federal courts.
As DNR Secretary, Matt Frank is committed to building upon Governor Doyle's environmental and conservation priorities, including reauthorizing the Stewardship program, expanding the state's commitment to clean and renewable energy, developing a statewide water conservation strategy, curbing the spread of invasive species, continuing efforts to combat fish and wildlife diseases, and streamlining administration of DNR regulatory programs. Secretary Frank believes that all Wisconsin citizens deserve to have safe water to drink, clean air to breathe, a healthy and sustainable environment, access to quality wildlife and habitat for hunting and fishing and a full range of outdoor recreation opportunities.
A Wisconsin native, Secretary Frank is an avid outdoorsman whose appreciation for the outdoors took root during his childhood in Cross Plains near the banks of Black Earth Creek. Secretary Frank is a 1978 graduate of Carleton College, and he received a law degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School in 1981.
Secretary Frank is married and has three sons, to whom he has passed his love of the outdoors through family activities including camping, fishing, hiking, canoeing, and kayaking.
Wisconsin State Perspective on the Environment
- Due to its numerous lakes and rich natural resources, Wisconsin has been a leader and strong supporter of acid deposition monitoring since the late 1970s and mercury (Hg) deposition monitoring since the early 1990s.
- began with a small network of deposition monitors but gradually expanded network to meet policy needs during past 3 decades.
- Currently supports seven (7) acid deposition trends monitoring sites. Several of sites operable since early 1980s.
- Wisconsin began monitoring mercury wet deposition on its own in the early 1990s with a small network - gradually network grew and was transitioned to the national mercury deposition network.
- In cooperation with the NADP, Wisconsin currently supports six (6) MDN sites throughout the state. These sites range from urban Milwaukee to rural areas in the lakes regions of the Northwoods.
- The WDNR believes it is good public policy to continue operating and supporting the mercury deposition network. There is inherent public value in measuring the effectiveness of the proposed mercury rule into the future.
- Data gathered at the acid and mercury deposition sites support policy development at the state and federal level and are used in many scientific and academic studies.
- First state in the nation to adopt an acid deposition control program in the mid 1980s. Program was later used as the model for federal acid deposition regulation.
- Acid deposition monitoring enabled the DNR to measure the tremendous success of these state and federal programs.
- pH levels in precipitation demonstrate continued improvement from 1994 to 2006 (see maps below – size may be increased)
- In addition to a very successful acid deposition control program, Wisconsin is in the process of adopting a strong, flexible multi-pollutant regulation for large coal-fired power plants in the state.
- The rule will reduce acid and mercury deposition to the environment.
- 90% reduction by 2015: under proposed mercury rule, large coal-fired power plants must either meet a 90% mercury emission reduction or limit the concentration of mercury emissions by January 1, 2015.
- Multi-pollutant alternative requires the affected power plants to achieve nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) reductions beyond those currently required by federal and state regulations.
- Under the multi-pollutant approach, an additional six years is allowed to achieve the 90% mercury emission reduction standard.