wA Reversal of Acidification Recovery Trends in Stream-Water
Chemistry in the Catskill
Mountain Region of New York
Doug Burns, Watersheds Research Section, U.S. Geological Survey, Troy, New York
The U.S. Geological Survey has been monitoring stream chemistry
and flow at four small watersheds in the Catskill Mountains of New York since
the early 1990s; data at some of these streams extends back to the 1980s. These
streams are located in the highest elevation terrain in this region where thin
soils, steep slopes, and resistant bedrock with low base cation availability
combine to provide little neutralization to acid deposition. The monitored streams
span a pH range of about 4.8 to 6.3 and an acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC)
range of 30 to -25 µeq/L at baseflow, and all four stream reach negative
ANC values during high flow with elevated aluminum concentrations. The pH of
precipitation in this region has been increasing by about 0.01/yr since the
early 1990s according to data from the Biscuit Brook NTN site (NY68). This increase
in precipitation pH is broadly consistent with trends at other NTN sites in
the Northeast, and is driven largely by decreases in sulfate concentrations
as a result of implementation of Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of
1990. Two previous studies of trends in stream-water chemistry at these four
sites have found a pattern of increasing pH and ANC and decreasing sulfate concentrations
during 1992 – 2001, and 1992 - 2003. These trends are consistent with
the decreasing trends in precipitation acidity in this region, and the trends
were expected to persist as precipitation acidity continued to decrease during
2003 – 2006. Instead, the trends in pH and ANC are no longer significant
over the period 1992 - 2006, as nitrate concentrations have increased during
2004 – 2006 to nearly unprecedented values. These recent increases in
stream nitrate are believed to be related to defoliation by the Forest Tent
Caterpillar that was observed during this period, and is known to have greatly
affected the Catskills during 2004 – 2006. Previous studies have found
that insect defoliation diminishes uptake of nitrogen by trees and the frass
provides a source of readily nitrified organic matter to the forest floor. These
results indicate that regional recovery of stream chemistry has thus far been
so slight, that disturbances to the nitrogen cycle can disrupt the recovery
trend. Disturbances such as that by defoliating insects can delay stream recovery
for at least several years, and possibly longer if the intensity and duration
of attack is great enough to
cause significant tree mortality.