Assessing the Impact of Wet and Dry
Nitrogen Deposition as an Ecosystem Stressor at
Marine Corp Base Camp LeJeune (MCBCL), Jacksonville, North Carolina
Wayne P. Robarge*
North Carolina State University, Department of Soil Science,
Raleigh, NC 27695-7619
Karsten Baumann
Atmospheric Research & Analysis, Inc., Cary, NC 27513
Patricia Cunningham
RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Susan Cohen
DCERP Coordinator, Marine Corp Base Camp LeJeune, NC 28543
Long-term sustainability of our nation’s
military training bases is of critical importance to national security.
In addition to training, which is the primary mission of most military
bases, many military installations face land-use pressures due to assignment
of increased military personnel, frequency and intensity of training,
and proximity to growing urban areas and the resultant inability to expand
in physical size (encroachment). Compliance with the Endangered Species
Act and protection/generation of native habitats present additional pressures.
This project is part of a larger effort, the Defense Coastal/Estuarine
Research Program (DCERP) funded by the Strategic Environmental Research
and Development Program, to identify significant ecosystem stressors and
develop conceptual and mechanistic ecological models that will lead to
effective management guidelines for the long-term sustainability of MCBCL
near Jacksonville, N.C. MCBCL occupies over 60,000 ha in eastern North
Carolina and extends from the Atlantic Ocean inland for ~ 24 km. MCBCL
also constitutes a significant fraction of the New River watershed, which
flows through the middle of the base. Wet deposition of nitrogen (N) will
be monitored for 2 years using 4 National Atmospheric Deposition Program
(NADP) style wet-dry collectors deployed along a transect across MCBCL
from the Atlantic Ocean to Jacksonville, NC, which encroaches the base
from the north. Sample collection, preservation and analysis will follow
NADP guidelines, except that analysis of total dissolved organic-N will
also be included in all analyses. Dry deposition of reduced and oxidized
N species will be indirectly determined using throughfall/stemflow measurements
within representative vegetative canopies at MCBCL (pine flatwoods, dry
longleaf pine-wiregrass savanna, hardwoods). These measurements will be
supplemented with passive samplers (ALPHA® samplers) to determine
weekly average values of ambient ammonia and nitric oxide atmospheric
concentrations, and with a network of tipping bucket gauges to measure
rainfall amount along three transects across MCBCL. Repeated measures
analysis will be used to assess concentration data and then combined with
response surfaces generated from tipping bucket data to produce nutrient
deposition maps. This combined approach will allow the assessment of the
magnitude and temporal/spatial trends in N deposition (wet and dry) to
the vegetative canopies and underlying soilgroundwater ecosystem across
MCBCL. It will also provide baseline estimates of N deposition to compare
local remobilization and deposition of N as a result of prescribed burning,
which is a common land management practice in the Southeastern US and
on MCBCL. This project will also estimate the magnitude and long-term
trends in N deposition to the surrounding aquatic/estuarine ecosystems.