Assessment of Modeled Changes in Air Quality and
Deposition Arising from Hypothetical
Reductions in Anthropogenic Emissions over the Eastern US
Kevin Civerolo*, Winston Hao, and Gopal Sistla
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Air Resources
625 Broadway, 2nd Floor Albany, NY 12233-3259
In order to examine the effects of anthropogenic
emissions on ambient ozone concentrations and nitrogen deposition across
the eastern US, we performed sensitivity studies using the EPA Community
Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. The model simulations covered an
extended period (53 days) during the summer of 2002. In one simulation
mobile source emissions were removed, and in the other all EGU and non-EGU
point sources were removed. In terms of ozone concentrations, the greatest
impacts of mobile sources were apparent in the southeastern US from Atlanta
to North Carolina, as well as along the northeastern urban corridor. The
greatest impacts of point sources followed the Ohio River Valley. The
results were similar for N deposition, except that the effects of mobile
source emissions in the southeastern US were not nearly as pronounced.
These results suggest that effective air quality management may require
different emissions strategies for different regions of the country.