Model Estimated Components of Oxidized Nitrogen Dry Deposition Not
By the Networks, with a Focus on Urban Deposition
Robin L. Dennis
NOAA/ARL, In Partnership with EPA/ORD
Atmospheric Modeling Division
US EPA, MD 243-04
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
We already know we are missing a major fraction
of reduced nitrogen deposition in our budget estimates by not measuring
NH3 concentrations and not estimating NH3 dry deposition in the networks.
We are also missing components of dry oxidized nitrogen (ox-N) deposition
that are important to regional budgets and critical to urban deposition
budgets. Wet deposition is more regional in character with no strong urban
signal. Dry deposition shows a very strong urban signal. The degree to
which we are missing deposition budgets will be illustrated with a high
resolution (2 km grid) CMAQ study of Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida,
which have high population density. In regional and rural areas modeling
suggests dry deposition of ox-N (stemming from NOX emissions) is modestly
greater than wet deposition (factor of 1.5 for Chesapeake Bay watershed).
In regional budgets ox-N deposition is primarily total-nitrate with a
modest contribution from NOX, PANs and organic nitrate. In urban areas
modeling suggests that dry deposition of ox-N is many times greater than
wet deposition (factors of 2-10 and higher). In urban budgets, ox-N dry
deposition is principally due to NOX deposition with a modest contribution
from total-nitrate, even though the urban total-nitrate deposition is
enhanced compared to its rural deposition. The relative contributions
of NOX and total-nitrate to ox-N dry deposition are mirror images of each
other across urban and regional space. Dry deposition budget numbers will
be provided for the Tampa and St. Petersburg area to illustrate the effect
of a strong urban signal and provide insight into the different sources
of ox-N deposition. Currents networks are blind to this signal, both in
terms of location of sites and species measured. With urban growth and
fill-in, this signal will increase in importance and the delivery of N
to coastal waters per unit of NOX emissions is expected to increase.